Carbon Reduction Plan

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Research Resource Scotland Ltd is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2026 as part of its pledge under the Market Research Society.

Baseline Emissions (2019):

  • 2019 was chosen as the baseline year, representing the period before the COVID-19 pandemic when the company operated from an office.
  • Emissions were calculated using the SSE Energy Solutions carbon footprint calculator and include staff commuting, business travel, and purchased goods/services.

Current Emissions (2023):

  • As of 2023, the company shifted to a home-working model, eliminating the need for commuting and reducing emissions significantly.
  • Paper questionnaires were digitized, further reducing paper waste and related emissions.
  • Total current emissions are 10.3 tCO2e (Scope 3 emissions only), with Scope 1 and Scope 2 reported as zero due to the home-working model.

Emissions Reduction Approach:

Research Resource has taken key steps towards carbon reduction, including:

  1. Sustainability practices: Integrating sustainability into decision-making, such as reduced travel and lower-carbon transportation options.
  2. Employee engagement: Increasing awareness of carbon reduction and empowering staff to contribute to emission-reducing initiatives.
  3. Procurement: Taking environmental considerations into account, such as using recycled paper and promoting reuse.
  4. Energy and water conservation: Monitoring and reducing energy and water usage, encouraging staff to turn off equipment when not in use.
  5. Travel policies: Minimizing travel by holding online meetings; encouraging eco-friendly transportation where travel is necessary.
  6. Electric vehicles: Directors use electric/hybrid vehicles.

Emission Reduction Targets:

  • The company has reduced emissions from 38.43 tCO2e to 10.3 tCO2e since the baseline year.
  • The goal is to achieve 0 tCO2e by 2026.


The Carbon Reduction Plan follows the relevant standards (PPN 06/21, SECR, and the GHG Reporting Protocol) and has been signed off by the directors of Research Resource.

The plan outlines clear steps to continue reducing carbon emissions and achieve the Net Zero target by 2026.