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How we use your information

This privacy information notice explains what information Research Resource will collect for research purposes and how it will be used.

What information will Research Resource collect about you?

We may collect and use (process) Personal Data (personal information) about you when you participate in research, surveys, public consultations, attend meetings, focus groups, etc. Some research and consultation activities may include the use of video and/or audio recording. Prior consent will be obtained from you before any such recording takes place.

If you do take part in a research study with Research Resource, we will collect the information you provide when you complete the research survey interview. Your participation in any research is completely voluntary and you do not have to take part.

You can also ask for your details to be removed from the contact list being used for the survey, but Research Resource will ask you to confirm your details to ensure that the correct records are removed from the database.

If you contact us for any reason regarding this research, we will also use any additional contact information you may provide to respond to your request.

All telephone calls to Research Resource offices, including our Freephone number, are recorded for administrative, training and quality control purposes.

How will Research Resource use the information you provide?

All the information you provide will be stored separately from your name and any contact details you may provide when you complete the research survey interview. Your participation in our research, together with your individual responses to the questions will be kept strictly confidential by us, and we can assure you that you will NOT be identifiable in any research results passed to our clients or published, unless you expressly give your prior permission to do so.

Only anonymous, statistical results of the research will be published or made available to our clients that use the research findings.

If you contact us for any reason regarding this research, your contact details will be used solely for the purpose of responding to your request.

We can assure you that any information you provide during this research will NOT be used for marketing, nor will we sell or pass on your information to any third party.

We may use AI generated transcripts to assist with the reporting process.

Who will have access to your information?

Only Research Resource will have access to the information you provide when you take part in this research.

Access to your information will be limited to only those Research Resource staff involved in this research project, or who need access in order to directly deliver this research for our clients such as our research data analysis systems.

How long will Research Resource keep the information you provide?

At the end of the study we will securely delete your name and any contact details you may have provided, leaving only anonymous research data. The anonymous research data will be kept permanently.

How does Research Resource ensure your personal information is held securely?

We take very seriously our responsibilities to keep your personal information secure. As such we take every reasonable precaution to ensure your information is protected from loss, theft or misuse. These precautions include appropriate physical security of our offices, controlled access to computer systems, and use of secure, encrypted internet connections when collecting personal information.

As part of our commitment to the security of your information we carry out regular internal and external audits of our information security, and are carried out in line with International Standard for Information Security.

Who to contact if you have any questions about this study or this privacy policy?

If you have any questions about this research or how your information will be used, please contact the study team. They can be contacted by email sent to

Or by letter sent to:

Research Resource Scotland Limited, 10 Lake Avenue, Lanark, ML11 9BQ

How can you get access to your information and/or correct it?

Research Resource can provide a copy of your responses to this research, together with the personal information used to contact you for this research on request at any time before the results are anonymised. For further details, please contact or write to


All information is used in compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Once your personal information has been collected, you have certain rights in relation to that personal information that may be exercised. You have the right to:
– Ask for a copy of your personal information
– Correct inaccurate personal information held about you
– Ask for your personal information to be deleted
– Restrict processing of your personal information.

You can find out more about your rights under the UK GDPR at